Mette Bjerre


Being at this school is a unique experience. I was a student myself at Vejle Sports School and it is a time that I look back on as one of the greatest experiences in my life.

Imagine being part of creating this experience for new students as a teacher here. I see it as a privilege to get to create this unique experience for others.

This school is a place where interpersonal relations are created and the exciting part is that you get to form relations across nationality, interests and personal histories. Not only with regards to the students, but also between students and teachers. Being a teacher at this school is not only about creating a unique experience for others, but also getting a unique experience yourself as a teacher.

Sports has always been a great part of my life and has always brought me joy – whether it is ball games, swimming or fitness. At Vejle Sports School. I have had the opportunity to share this joy with other people.

My great passion is fitness. I love most of what the fitness world has to offer, and I usually spend most of my time in a fitness room.


  • Studied sports at University of Southern Denmark.
  • Teaching classes at Fitness dk (fitness centre) for more than 10 years
  • Personal trainer in Fitness dk (fitness centre)