Subject trip

Runner’s Offer

Runner’s Offer

Runner’s offer is an extra offer that will make you a better and faster runner during your stay at our school.

Maybe you want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half marathon or get a good experience doing a marathon. Regardless of your previous experience, you will be challenged at your own level and gain new knowledge in the field.

Runner’s offer is a unique product where you can improve as a runner throughout your stay.

Runner’s offer includes a fitness test in our test center, entry costs for 3 different races, instruction and practise to build you up to complete a 10 km, ½ marathon or marathon during your stay at our school.

Runner’s offer is for everyone regardless of level. It is required that you choose the relevant classes to get the best possible training.

Runner's Offer - this is what you get

First test. An initial VO2-max test will show your current form. Based on the test results, we create a training program designed for you to achieve your goal.

The training program is adapted to your current physical shape and your goals to help you build strength, endurance and running efficiency.

We help you navigate all our training offers at the school to secure the right training load for you.

Second test. A follow-up test will get a status on the effect of your training. We use the test as a tool to see if the training program needs to be adjusted.

We participate in 3 races during the semester. You get the opportunity to test your shape and experience the racing atmosphere.

  1. 5k or 10k test run – How is the shape?
  2. 10k or half marathon – Halfway through your stay we participate in the traditional Vejle Ådal race.
  3. ½-marathon or marathon, which is the culmination of the running course.

A social community of like-minded people who also share the passion for running or are interested in challenging themselves in running.

With the Runner’s offer you will get the opportunity to improve your running to the next level, challenge yourself and be part of a social community.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, the Runner’s offer will provide you with the necessary tools and support to reach your goals and have a great experience with other students who love running.


The runner’s offer is an extra offer during your stay at our school that will complete your running experience.

  • Entry costs for selected races in the autumn. Approx. DKK 550
  • Transportation to race. Approx. DKK 500
  • Test your maximum oxygen uptake in our test center 2 times. Approx. DKK 3000
  • Community and training program. Approx.: Priceless!

Total assessment of the offer is: DKK 4,050 + invaluable running community.

Your price is DKK 750 for the entire course.

Unique opportunity

The Runner’s offer is unique. We offer both well-planned training along with great classes and we measure your oxygen uptake in our test centre. It can feel pretty wild when you actually achieve your goals by yourself and together with others.

Thea Storm Henriksen, Teacher

Facilities for Runner's Offer

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